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Two Mount Olive town employees under SBI investigation

The town of Mount Olive announced on Monday that the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) has launched an investigation into possible misconduct on the part of two town employees.  They were suspended without pay, effective Thursday, Jan. 30.

The names of the employees were later released. They are Watia Best, 37, water department office manager, and Rashonte Pettit, 31, water clerk and billing specialist.

During the regular monthly town board meeting on Monday night, one item on the agenda was for the board to consider authorizing Interim Town Manager Glenn Holland and Town Attorney Carroll Turner to seek a forensic auditor to assist in the SBI investigation. However, that item was tabled until a recessed meeting on Thursday night. At Thursday night’s meeting, the board voted to approve the request.

Turner said during the meeting Thursday night that he did not want to release the employees’ names, but was required to do so by state law.

Further details will be announced as they are made available.

Also at Thursday night’s meeting, the board agreed to contract with the Eastern Carolina Council (ECC) of Government on the search for a new town manager. ECC will handle the applications and guide the town through the search process, with a price tag of $6,000.