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Warsaw shuts down Relax Inn due to a raw sewage spill

WARSAW — The Relax Inn, located on North Pine Street in Warsaw, was shut down last Thursday after town officials discovered that the sewage line at the back of the property had been tampered with, allowing raw sewage to flow onto the ground behind the establishment.

On Jan. 31, Warsaw Commissioner Ebony Wills Wells shared this photo on social media. She expressed her alarm, stating, “This is a major health concern and unfair to the residents who entrust their living at the hotel.” Photo Ebony Wills Wells

“The property owner was not aware that it had taken place, but he has been notified and he is making the corrections needed,” Town Manager Lea Turner told Duplin Journal last week, explaining that they were notified of the situation on Thursday and were not aware when it took place. “They would not tell us when it happened.”

Turner told Duplin Journal that the Relax Inn cannot operate until the problem is resolved, also the facility must be inspected before it can reopen. Turner stated that the business will face a fine and is responsible for all necessary repairs. Duplin Journal attempted to reach the motel owner for comment, but he was unavailable at press time.

According to Turner, as a result of this shutdown residents were relocated. “He provided a place for them to go while the repairs are done,” said Turner. “He’s got a plumber on it, so they’re supposed to come out Monday and reevaluate.”

Duplin Journal confirmed on Monday as of 10:40 a.m., that the hotel was open for business and reached out to Turner for an update via phone and email. As of press time, Turner had not confirmed whether the issues had been fully resolved or if an inspection had taken place.

On Feb. 1, Commissioner Ebony Wills Wells expressed her concerns about the conditions at the Relax Inn on social media.

“This whole hotel isn’t a livable environment,” she wrote. “There are (two) hotels that this owner owns at I-40 and he needs to move these people up there until this place is livable. … I walked this property again yesterday and last night. This is how these people are living.”

The local motel has been a subject of concern due to ongoing nuisance and criminal activities.

According to records obtained by the Duplin Journal, one unresponsive person required transport to the hospital for medical attention on Feb. 1, following the alleged shutdown of the motel. Last summer, two individuals died at the Relax Inn from suspected overdoses. In the last year, Duplin County 911 Communications received 148 calls which included reports of illness, breaking and entering, fights, bleeding profusely, and suicide threats, among others.

Turner provided the following statement to Duplin Journal via email on Wednesday afternoon:

“Relax Inn did pass inspection on Monday afternoon and has reopened their rooms that were previously occupied. I am still working on the fines they will be charged. Fine has not yet been issued, but the property owner has been advised there will be a fine coming. The Town does not have a building inspector to enforce minimum housing standards and unsanitary conditions.”

More to follow.

The following day, on Feb. 1, Wells shared photos on her social media showing the interior of the motel. One image depicts a drop cord running from the outside into one of the rooms, which Wells noted posed a risk of fire. Photo Ebony Wills Wells
The Warsaw commissioner also posted several photos showing mold on the walls, emphasizing that the motel is not a livable environment. Photo Ebony Wills Wells