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The worst political decision of our lifetime

From 1776 to 1783 Thomas Paine used his literary skills to write about The American Crisis. His efforts were to persuade the American people to support the Revolution. One of his most passionate pleas was, “These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

That being said, I am going to suggest that the Democrat power brokers recently made the worst political decision of our lifetimes. At the same time I am going to suggest that Donald Trump recently made the best political decision of our lifetimes.

I am also going to suggest that on Saturday July 13, 2024 we were eyewitnesses to a very observable incident of Divine intervention in the American political processes. Even a casual student of American history knows that God has had His eye on America for a long time. Christopher Columbus declared, “I was directed by the Holy Ghost…” during my journey.

Theodore Roosevelt supposedly said, “In any moment of decision, the best thing to do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

The decision of the Biden administration to offer Donald Trump a debate deal that they thought he could not accept is the worst political decision of our lifetimes. Donald Trump’s decision to unconditionally accept that debate offer is the best political decision of our lifetimes.

Because Donald Trump chose to stand up in “the times that try men’s souls” we now know how deceitful the Washington power brokers really operate. We now know why they only allowed the President of The United States of America to address the nation from the Oval Office two times in three and a half years.

The Biden folks did not want to put President Biden on the debate stage with Donald Trump. For three and a half years they violated Roosevelt’s warning and in moments of critical decisions they did nothing. Biden was not allowed to make public appearances addressing critical issues. They could not trust him to stay on script.

They kept him hidden. They took unfair advantage of his frail cognitive condition. His wife and family knowingly abused his feeble mental capacities. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Merrick Garland, Antony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, Pete Buttigieg, Kimberly Cheatle, Kamala Harris, and the biased media all quietly hovered over him. They were waiting, with bated breath, for the opportunity to continue destroying America from behind the scenes.

Hey folks, think about who these people are! The entire group of the highest level of appointed bureaucrats. The movers and shakers of everything affecting our daily lives; including our safety and national security. They were intentionally mute about President Biden’s condition. They stopped at nothing to keep us in the dark.

Truly the lust for power is powerful! Their mantra to us ignorant deplorable patriots was don’t believe what you see and hear. Their strategy steadily progressed to the point of total embarrassment even for the biased ultra-liberal media. But, all yellow brick roads end somewhere.

With that debate decision they snatched defeat right out of the jaws of potential victory. With the decision to accept the unacceptable Donald Trump became a modern day George Washington. By divine inspiration Trump, like Washington, did not retreat. In the face of the Biden Lawfare attempts in kangaroo courts he did not waver. He resisted all opportunities to play defense; he stayed the course and attacked by accepting their unacceptable offer to debate. He joyfully went into the lion’s den set-up by CNN.

We, the people now know that God has reached forth His hand and preserved “he that stands it now” and Donald Trump “deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

Jimmy Dixon (R-NCO4) represents Duplin and Wayne counties in the N.C. House of Representatives. 

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