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I am heartbroken, America is in chaos, homes are broken into, business are ransacked, schools are in lockdown, education is in the backseat. All of this is unbelievable, but even worse, what about the safety of our children and families? 

China is buying up our farmland, buying up our poultry industry and swine industry as well. Another company is controlling our seed production. Our energy supply is now coming from another country. Check your clothing labels, not made in America, and what about our pharmaceuticals? Who is controlling our medical supplies? 

Where is our government at the state level and the federal level? Are our leaders asleep at the wheel? Can our leaders not provide the law enforcement necessary to make us safe again? Can our leaders not take action against the enemies that are infiltrating our nation? 

I know that God is in control, but God expects us to do our part. “He has showed you O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8. My prayer is that God will raise up a great leader, like King David, or King Solomon, or even King Josiah in the Old Testament of the Bible, that will restore our nation to wholeness, to law and order, to respect one another, to hold life as sacred, and to return America to the Christian nation it was founded upon. 

My heart is broken, but I know that healing will come, because I have prayed for the healing of our nation, and I know that God will answer my prayer. Amen 

Alice Scott, Pink Hill

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