As educators, parents/guardians, and community members, we are compelled to utilize innovative strategies and personalized interventions to help our children overcome the challenges that they face in today’s complex world. Although our collective values and expectations have not changed, our environment sure has changed, and it will require a shift in our mindset to reach our children where they are, in these ever-changing times. We must be sufficiently aware of what is happening around our kids to be able to provide meaningful support and guidance.

Our children are growing up in difficult times. They are dealing with a whole other set of challenges than we did as youngsters. They are required to process more information and at a much faster rate. We may not always agree with how times are changing; however, we must seek to understand what our children are experiencing, so that we can support them and provide the tools and opportunities that will guarantee their success.
Having a mentor-plus mindset will foster trusting relationships with our kids and also provide them with valuable social emotional support. It can help build their confidence and resilience and increase our capacity to ensure their continuous growth as lifelong learners. We can nurture our mentor-plus mindset by providing guidance, wisdom, inspiration, setting expectations, and celebrating accomplishments! A mentor-plus mindset also means being an active listener. It is not just about telling a child what to do or how to do it. Valuing a child’s input and letting them see how our expectations are related to their success is critical. Otherwise, they will view our expectations as mere directives rather than positive influences. It is about problem solving together and being creative with solutions.
Children are precious gifts from God who are entrusted to our earthly care whether it be at home and/or in the classroom. Let’s respect their individual gifts, talents and uniqueness and love them unconditionally. Let’s listen to what they are saying and take a genuine interest in their education and extracurricular activities. Let’s show them how much we care and build an unshakable trust and bond. Let’s challenge each other to embrace a mentor-plus mindset because our kids need us now more than ever before.
Dr. Austin Obasohan is the Duplin County Schools Superintendent.