The headlines coming out of the Super Tuesday primaries have got it right. Barring cataclysmic changes, Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be the Republican and Democratic nominees for president in 2024. With Nikki Haley’s withdrawal, there will be no more significantly contested primaries or caucuses ― the earliest both parties’ races have been over […]
The educational landscape is changing, so we must be innovative in how we support, recruit, and retain high quality teachers in Duplin County Schools (DCS). Our Board of Education understands the tremendous challenges that districts face, not only here in eastern North Carolina, but across the state and beyond. Even through these challenging times, as […]
In June of 1776 George Mason gave future generations some critical advice about the founding principles used to establish our Constitutional Republic. Said he, “no free government, or the blessing of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by…frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.” A fundamental principle is a principle from which other truths can […]
I am heartbroken, America is in chaos, homes are broken into, business are ransacked, schools are in lockdown, education is in the backseat. All of this is unbelievable, but even worse, what about the safety of our children and families? China is buying up our farmland, buying up our poultry industry and swine industry as […]
What’s been missing these past couple of months from the coverage of and debate over the failed immigration bill? Some important basic facts and lots of historical context. First, basic facts. Coverage in left-leaning newspapers and even in the conservative Wall Street Journal editorial page has suggested that without new legislation, the Biden administration would […]
Historically, fantasy football has been the highlight of the NFL season all around the country. Fantasy football is unique to other sports because of the fact that you are not rooting for a team, rather a player whom you believe in. Extensive research goes into looking at the history of the player and their record, […]