North Carolina’s top counties for cattle, by head, are Iredell, Randolph and Chatham RALEIGH — The U.S. cattle supply is at its lowest level since 1951. That low supply will likely drive beef prices to record highs. The supply shortage is being driven by many factors, including droughts, inflation and a burgeoning wave of regulation […]
Three business owners from Grifton give back to the community MOUNT OLIVE –The University of Mount Olive recently announced that starting in the spring of 2024, one UMO student will be awarded a Women in Agriculture scholarship sponsored by Gap Ready! Farm Services. According to UMO’s press release, business owners Paula Manning, Leigh Page, […]
“Duplin County is an agricultural powerhouse, in my opinion,” says Brent Davis, a farmer and chairman of the county school board. “I will say from a county perspective, from an agricultural standpoint, we can’t afford for that to ever change.” Keeping Duplin County’s agricultural economy alive goes hand in hand with preserving its rich farmland. […]
WARSAW — Four County Electric Membership Corporation will soon complete the purchase of a smart farm container with grant funding from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission, bringing the first of its kind to Duplin County. “We are thrilled to announce our latest initiative in sustainable agriculture through the introduction of a state-of-the-art hydroponic […]
RALEIGH — At a May 19 event ahead of the annual Got To Be NC Festival in Raleigh, the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services announced that the economic impact of agriculture and agribusiness in the state has risen from $92.9 billion last year to over $103.2 billion this year. Agriculture is North Carolina’s […]