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Border security

Border security is home security. How many of the readers of the newspaper lock their doors at night and even during the day?  We needed to have locked the border “yesterday.”  The United States has a means for legal immigration into America.  It is my opinion that those people who come to America through legal immigration, love America, support the ideals of America, are willing to serve and work in America, and want to make a better life for their families.

We cannot and must not continue to let people illegally cross the border who may have intent to harm us and destroy our great nation.  Talk is cheap, action speaks words.  Where is the leadership in our government? Every day for three years, we have turned on the television and heard commentors talk about the alarming rate of illegals crossing the border without vetting them or tracking their whereabouts or knowing if they are felons, murderers, rapist, etc. Yet the flow of illegals into our nation continues to escalate.  

Another real problem is the tremendous cost to house, feed, transport, educate, and provide medical care for these illegal immigrants.  Since America is $39 trillion in debt, it is almost comical or ludicrous what our government has allowed to happen with border security.  Across America, we are unable to provide for our own citizens.  America will never be the same country again, “The land of the free and the home of the brave.”  Our very democracy, our system of government is at risk.

Alice Scott, Pink Hill

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