Two honored with Order of the Long Leaf Pine
KENANSVILLE — Last week marked a significant milestone for Valerie Pollock and Kay Nichols, as both were awarded The Order of the Long Leaf Pine, North Carolina’s highest state service award, during the Feb. 4 County Commissioners meeting.
Pollock, a retired social worker, was recognized for her hard work, dedication and devotion to the citizens of Duplin County. Annie Murrell, the director of the Duplin County Department of Social Services, presented Pollock with the award and a retirement plaque in appreciation of her years of service.
Nichols, a long-serving tax office employee who retired last summer, was recognized for more than three decades of dedication and service.
“I’ve never had the honor to present an Order of Long Leaf Pine before,” said Gary Rose, Duplin County tax administrator, as he expressed gratitude to Nichols and presented her with the prestigious award from the governor of North Carolina.
“The Order of Long Leaf Pine is presented to individuals who have a proven record of extraordinary service to the state, to the communities, extra effort in their careers, and many years of service to their organizations, such as Duplin County Tax Office… She’s been with us over 30 years. She’s retired, and she’s come back. She still helps us out,” explained Rose as he read the plaque and recited the North Carolina toast:
“Here’s to the land of the long-leaf pine,
The summer land where the sun doth shine,
Where the weak grow strong and the strong grow great,
Here’s to down home, the Old North State!”
Chairman Dexter Edwards told Nichols that she caused him to become a commissioner. “Oh, really?” Nichols responded, to which he explained: “Because the first time I met you, you invited me to come here to meet with the commissioners to solve my problem.” Laughter ensued.
For the past 62 years, the Order of the Long Leaf Pine has been awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions through their exemplary service and accomplishments in the state and in their communities.

Photo Courtesy Melisa Brown
Edward Tyndall, who served for 14 years at the Beulaville Congregate Nutrition Site, was recognized for his commitment and service to the citizens of Duplin County. Melisa Brown, the Senior Services director, presented Tyndall with a retirement plaque thanking him for his dedication.
Brown shared that she met Tyndall in May 2008 at the Beulaville nutrition site, where he initially volunteered before being hired as the site manager in November 2010.