By Ena Sellers, Duplin Journal KENANSVILLE — Monday, Dec. 4 was a joyful night at the County Commissioners meeting in Kenansville, as two emergency responders were recognized for their actions which saved the life of a woman who was having a heart attack. “One of the main reasons we get into EMS is to ultimately save […]
By Ena Sellers, Duplin Journal BEULAVILLE — More than 100 people gathered at East Duplin High School to celebrate the annual Christmas Banquet for Duplin Veterans First, Friday night in Beulaville. The event, honoring veterans of all branches, featured guest speakers Hal Weatherman and Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. The banquet kicked off with a welcome message […]
By Ena Sellers, Duplin Journal WALLACE — The historic Community Center on Wallace’s Railroad Street saw a full house on Nov. 28 as people gathered to learn more about the proposed passenger line between Wilmington and Raleigh. The event featured a presentation by Eddie McFalls, a consultant with the NC Department of Transportation Rail Division. […]
ROSE HILL — Innovation, creativity and diligence to engage the minds of local students paid off for five dedicated teachers at Rose Hill-Magnolia Elementary School as Four County Electric Membership Corporation recently announced its NC Bright Ideas grant winners. TaNisha Jones, Jasmine Jones, Tanya Novakowski, Sulnora Oluyemi and Tim Mateer, are five of 21 educators […]
KENANSVILLE — Adjacent to Duplin County Regional Airport’s 6,000-foot runway is the AirPark-Duplin County Business and Industry Center, now in the very beginning stages of a big development poised to change the county’s economic landscape. “It is a very exciting time in Duplin County,” said Scotty Summerlin, Economic Development Commission executive director, as he speaks […]
By Ena Sellers, Duplin Journal KENANSVILLE — An amendment to modify construction documents for the new Duplin County Detention Center was approved on Monday, Nov. 20, during the Board of County Commissioners bimonthly meeting in Kenansville. “This redesign and amendment will provide significant cost savings to the county in the future, maybe up to $2.5 million […]