As part of our continuing Q&A series with local leaders, Duplin Journal recently sat down with County Commissioner Wayne Branch so that he could provide insights into what it’s like to serve on local government, as well as shed some light on the African-American experience in Duplin County, in honor of Black History Month. Branch […]
Shawn Coston Miller, who lives outside Wallace, was recently a contestant on the longtime popular game show, “Wheel of Fortune.” Miller’s episode aired Dec. 18. “She’s going to put Wallace on the map,” said her sister, Priscilla Coston. “It’s very exciting.” Miller and her husband Kelvin flew out to Los Angeles, California, the week of […]
KENANSVILLE — Pouring rain and chilly temperatures did not keep seniors from enjoying the annual Senior Christmas celebration at the Duplin Events Center on Dec. 11. This year, they saw an increase in participation, with 259 seniors in attendance, surpassing last year’s numbers. The events center was transformed into a festive wonderland as seniors, adorned […]
WILLARD — Guests at the annual Southern Lights premiere party at the Johnson Nursery in Willard marveled in awe as the first tree lighting of the season got underway on Friday, Nov. 15. A winter wonderland came to life showcasing a stunning display of lights. The crisp night and a beautiful full moon provided the […]
On Saturday, Nov. 9, a vibrant sense of community filled the corner of Center and East Main streets in downtown Mount Olive as families gathered to celebrate the fourth annual Pickles, Pigs & Swigs festival. Families were treated to a diverse range of activities at the festival. They enjoyed live music by Zack Lee followed […]
The mountains continue to call to a group of River Landing and Wallace residents, who have made numerous trips to western North Carolina in the weeks since Tropical Storm Helene devastated the region. Emily Ludlum, Melissa Stevens, Jennifer Johnson and their families and neighbors have been collecting donations and supplies since the storm hit on […]