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The Left has gone too far

Many conversations about current issues involve various forms of the same question. How can they —meaning either the left, the Cooper Administration, or the Biden Administration —believe that what they are trying to do will be good for our nation?

Of course that question is not unique to this generation. Opposing political factions have always been critical of each other.

But the Democratic Party that I once knew and belonged to does not exist anymore. I have friends who are registered Democrats and they are good patriotic Americans. They disagree with the ultra-left policies professed by the National and State Democratic Party Leadership. Some no longer vote the Party line.

I wish my Party would do a better job convincing them to join us. Nevertheless, the political proposals of the left have now gone too far. The Democratic Party has yielded control to the ultra-left. Former President Obama clearly stated that his goal was to “fundamentally” change America. It is obvious that his philosophy still controls the policies of the Biden and Cooper Administrations.

Therein lies the real threat to our Constitutional Republic and to people of Faith. But some will question and disagree with my opinion which is fine and is actually the purpose of objective debate. The best way to test the performance of the Obama-Biden-Cooper administrations is to apply the tried and tested adage; “By their fruits ye shall know them?”

The real tragedy with the policies of the ultra-left radicals is the bad fruit they have produced. They and the government they preside over want us to believe their fruits are good for future generations. Really? Let’s take a closer look.

They believe our rights should come from government not from God. Their strategy has been to deny, nullify, and then teach our children that there are no absolute truths. On the surface this seems to be a fairly benign statement. But stop and think!

They are teaching and promoting that there is no such thing as absolute right or wrong; there is no such thing as absolute good or evil; that God is who or what you want Him to be. They are proposing that some very amazing lies are the truth. Consider a few examples. Biden and Cooper say that we have secure borders. That the economy is good and inflation is under control. That Joe Biden is making the decisions and those decisions are good for the nation. That they support equality under the law.

But those claims pale in comparison to their other mischief. They want us to believe that gender is a choice!! That denies one of the most absolute truths known to man or to woman. We are male or female and that is an absolute truth.

So, that which appears benign is, in fact, very deadly for our enumerated rights in the Constitution. The fundamental changes they want is to substitute secular thought for traditional religious thought; especially Christian thought.

Socialism’s new philosophy is; put your bombs and bullets down. Its goal is to fundamentally change America. Their new mantra is: Infiltrate and indoctrinate, control fashion, entertainment, media, university thought, and then attack absolute truth in all areas but especially in K-12 education.

They know that John Adams was right when he said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.” Thus, their strategy is simple; if it is good call it evil and if it is evil call it good.

We, the people should realize that we must remain a moral and religious people or our children will have a socialist master and they will live in an America that has been fundamentally changed.

Jimmy Dixon (R-NC04) represents Duplin and Wayne counties in the N.C. House of Representatives.